Qeysh's streamlined website and app aims to have our users spend the majority of their time out getting to know other members instead of browsing endless with no results.
A profile that makes sense. At Qeysh, we know that compatibility is more than if both of you like hiking.
The Qeysh profile explores the things that really matter i.e. Family Values, Religion, Personal Beliefs, Political Beliefs, and your deal breakers.
At Qeysh, you get seven matches. Qeysh’s matching system considers what you really want in a partner.
We automatically match you with two members we feel would be a good match for you. You then get to browse for three additional matches. Two other members get to pick you completing your 7 quality matches.
Easily schedule a date through our dating scheduler. Using the scheduler, you can request a virtual date (video) or an in-person date.
For virtual dates it’s as easy as picking a day, time, and sending a request. For in person dates you can easily browse for locations through our Yelp integration. Send your request with a date, time, and restaurant suggestion.
Receive dating requests straight to your inbox. You have the option to accept, reschedule, suggest a different restaurant, or decline with a reason.
Both members receive date confirmations and reminders. If you need to decline the date request the other members will be notified and a new member will be matched with you.
As a requirement, Qeysh users have to be verified through our third party verification service before they can become a full member and accept dates.
Our verification service verifies users based on their ID, image, and a live capture. We give users the option for a background check, but at this time it is not mandatory.
Qeysh is designed to encourage users to date and not just browse.
Designed with safety and dating in mind, Qeysh provides a site made for people willing to take a chance in order to find love. No messaging, no fake profiles, no inappropriate images. Just other members looking for long term genuine relationships.
Qeysh requires that all users be verified by image and ID before being able to schedule a date. Once a date is scheduled, users that don't show up are given a site warning. Repeat behavior results in users being banned. After each date, users are immediately asked if they would like to continue communications. Both members are notified within 24 hours of each other's answer.
With Qeysh, it is easy to go from browsing to dinner. We encourage members to schedule in person dates in order to get to know someone.